This month brought a lot of controversy about the release date of the beta versus Starbound's "full release"-- among other things, like sewage-based monsters! Let's clear some things up. :)
When we began pre-orders back in April, the idea of not completing the entire game by the end of the year seemed absurd! So we set our official "release date estimate" for 2013 and elsewhere stated that the game would definitely be out this year.
Game development is fairly unpredictable, though, especially on games as large as Starbound, and things often take much longer than we could have thought possible. Given that, we'd taken the stance that it's the beta that will definitely be available this year, not the full game. While we're always actively talking to people in IRC and the forums, we only recently updated our website's info to reflect these changes! Sorry about that.
We continue to work on the game every single day and we're making loads of progress! We're confident we'll have this thing ready for you guys to play before the end of the year. We really want to thank you guys for your continued support and patience, and for having faith in our project. :) You're all awesome.