As you may have read in our patch notes, the newest stable update saw the ‘home planet’ feature replaced by planet bookmarks and direct teleporters. This meant that existing characters would lose track of their home planets, as they’d no longer have the ‘home’ marker.
But never fear! Ideally you’d have written down your planet’s coordinates, but either way your home planet still exists and is intact and you can find it using the following method. :)
Elite Space Hobo from our community beat us to posting a guide, which you can find here.
- Find your universe folder. Typically, it should be located in SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Starbound\giraffe_storage\universe.
- Right click -> sort files by date last modified. If your planet’s been heavily customized/built upon, it should be one of the larger files. If you visit it frequently, it should also be one of the most recent.
- “What do all these numbers mean?!” World files with names like: 270623995_279217314_-213404188_12.world mean that you’ve visited a planet with the coordinates X -270623995 Y -279217314.
- Put the coordinates into your ship’s computer and… hopefully, voila! Planet located! If not, try some of the other planets in your universe folder.
- Now that you’ve found your home planet, don’t forget to create a bookmark. :)
I hope this proves helpful! We’ll be posting our daily progress update later, as usual. See you then! <3