If you ever wondered what it’s normally like in the developer chat and the shit we talk about all day, I’ve copy pasted some stuff here without further comment.
<OmnipotentEntity> kyren, did we ever implement an ordered set?
<kyren> yes!
<kyren> I just did actually
<kyren> it's not comitted yet
<kyren> but I'll hopefully be committing it today
<OmnipotentEntity> ok cool
<OmnipotentEntity> I need to use it too
<kyren> do you need it right now?
<OmnipotentEntity> if it's not too much trouble
<kyren> okay, let me make sure it works then
<kyren> I'm debugging now anyways
<kyren> I'd actually just like to merge
<kyren> but it will require some debugging
<OmnipotentEntity> ok
<kyren> I could push and you could help me debug all the problems
<OmnipotentEntity> that's fine
<OmnipotentEntity> yeah
<OmnipotentEntity> I think that will be great
<kyren> well, let me make one pass on it at least
<OmnipotentEntity> that's definitely better than what I'm working on right now
<kyren> because it's really REALLY not working yet
<kyren> like the title screen doesn't work
<OmnipotentEntity> that's fine
<Tiy> hey metadept
<metadept> hey
<Tiy> would you mind doing a post today
<metadept> sure!
<metadept> i'll get right on that
<kyren> hey omni, I'm almost ready to push the thing
<kyren> I just need to make sure it mostly works
<kyren> and then I'm going to go get something to eat
<kyren> and come back and we can debug it
<OmnipotentEntity> ok
<kyren> also, I want to push it because I really want your feedback
<OmnipotentEntity> roger
<kyren> will anybody be super mad
<kyren> like metadept
<kyren> if I push something that is somewhat broken
<kyren> but still playable
<kyren> so omni and I can team debug it
<metadept> nah i won't be mad
<kyren> omni needs a thing
<metadept> will i be fine if i don't rebuild or is it still going to be broken?
<kyren> and this phase is nearly done-ish
<kyren> eh... I THINK it's fine if you don't build again
<kyren> I don't think I changed assets much?
<kyren> oh, maybe I did
<metadept> don't worry about it in any case
<kyren> okay it's still pretty broken but
<kyren> I'm going to push because I have to leave, and I'm going to continue working on it when I get home
<kyren> like haha
<kyren> the HUD items are key dismissable now
<kyren> that's not really too good
<metadept> i'm on the fence between saying you should wait on the nightly builds, and saying you should start nightly builds right now so players know how bad it's going to be lol
<kyren> pff, no that won't be for long
<kyren> it's literally
<kyren> everyone wants to go eat burgers
<kyren> and I'm hungry
<kyren> and then when I get back home I'm going to fix it all
<kyren> but omni needs a class in it, and I want omni's help in stuff, and blah
<kyren> so I'm going to push it in the meantime
<Katzeus_> is the plan to do nightly builds just to bridge the time until progression goes to live?
<metadept> yeah i'm at least half joking
<metadept> go forth and eat burgers
<Katzeus_> or like ongoing
<kyren> ongoing
<kyren> there pushed, god help you all
<kyren> brb
<OmnipotentEntity> kyren liar
<OmnipotentEntity> I thought you said that the title didn't work
<OmnipotentEntity> the only bug I've found thus far is if you press escape a bunch it takes away part of your UI
<metadept> hey OmnipotentEntity, kyren, what do you guys think of a 'fixed camera' mode?
<metadept> it would be really helpful for recording gifs
<OmnipotentEntity> fixed camera?
<OmnipotentEntity> hmm...
<metadept> just having the camera locked to world position instead of player
<OmnipotentEntity> yeah useful for dev work
<OmnipotentEntity> I'll add that right now
<OmnipotentEntity> it's super easy
<metadept> also i could see it being used for machinima
<metadept> i figured
<OmnipotentEntity> hi there kyren
<kyren_> Hello
<kyren_> Set up phone irc
<kyren_> How bad are things
<kyren_> I know you can dismiss hud elements at least
<kyren_> Which is bad
<OmnipotentEntity> that's it that I've seen
<OmnipotentEntity> and I think that's like, one configuration line to fix
<OmnipotentEntity> I was waiting on you to get back so I could ask you what you were talking about with the title screen
<kyren_> Oh i fixed that i think
<kyren_> O
<OmnipotentEntity> what's up?
<kyren__> hello again
<OmnipotentEntity> hi there again
<OmnipotentEntity> welcome back
<kyren__> so, okay things that have changed
<kyren__> mostly center around PaneManager
<kyren__> and I have some questions
<kyren__> for example, key dismissing windows
<kyren__> do you think that maybe like
<kyren__> instead of setting key dismissable in the Pane
<kyren__> you should set it key dismissable in the pane manager?
<OmnipotentEntity> that's probably better
<OmnipotentEntity> I think the reason why it was in the pane was so that it didn't become desynced
<kyren_> also, how much policy should there be on each layer
<kyren_> right
<kyren_> so, as far as policy on each layer
<OmnipotentEntity> what do you mean by policy?
<kyren_> each layer is just like.. A layer
<kyren_> well, okay for example
<kyren_> I need to set up the modal layer differently
<kyren_> IF there is anything in the modal layer
<kyren_> THEN only send input to the TOP of the modal layer
<kyren_> and ignore all other windows
<kyren_> that's like.. the modal layer is special
<kyren_> so, what if
<kyren_> by policy, we just made all windows and modal windows key dismissable
<kyren_> then we don't even need a falg
<kyren_> flag
<OmnipotentEntity> well, a quest dialog shouldn't be key dismissable for instance, right?
<kyren_> the only thing I think that even uses key dismissable is like
<OmnipotentEntity> you don't want to accidentally fuck yourself out of a quest
<kyren_> right, I suppose so yeah
<kyren_> right
<kyren_> I forgot about quests
<kyren_> okay, well then the modal layer still has policy tied to it
<OmnipotentEntity> right
<kyren_> for modal windows
<OmnipotentEntity> I can't think of modal windows that you shouldn't be able to key dismiss
<kyren_> why don't we make quests modal windows
<kyren_> and
<kyren_> make it so that modal windows cannot be key dismissed
<OmnipotentEntity> well
<OmnipotentEntity> hmm...
<kyren_> well, no that doesn't work either
<OmnipotentEntity> yeah, because
<kyren_> what about if there's a special layer for windows that cannot be key dismissed
<OmnipotentEntity> if you have your escape window up
<kyren_> right, the escape window doesn't work
<kyren_> what if we split it into 5 layers
<kyren_> first layer hud, cannot be key dismissed
<kyren_> second layer normal windows, can be key dismissed
<kyren_> third layer essential windows, cannot be key dismissed, fourth layer modal can be key dismissed
<kyren_> fifth layer tooltip, cannot be key dismissed
<kyren_> so only normal windows and modal windows can be key dismissed
<kyren_> OR we could have a flag, the thing is
<kyren_> it's kind of redundant
<kyren_> like, HUD windows should NEVER be key dismissable
<kyren_> and tooltips should never or always be key dismissable I can't decide but it will always be the same
<OmnipotentEntity> right
<kyren_> so I could just encode that into the layer
<kyren_> also
<kyren_> like, the quest dialog
<kyren_> should stay on top haha
<kyren_> so, maybe call it StickyWindows?
<OmnipotentEntity> hmm...
<OmnipotentEntity> it seems weird having a modal dialog that's above all windows
<OmnipotentEntity> and then StickyWindows which are also above all windows,
<kyren_> yeah, I suppose
<kyren_> but
<OmnipotentEntity> but not above modals, and there can be several of them instead of just one
<kyren_> I feel like maybe eh
<OmnipotentEntity> it just seems strange is all
<kyren_> what if
<OmnipotentEntity> I'm not saying it's wrong
<OmnipotentEntity> it's just really hard to model
<OmnipotentEntity> like,
<OmnipotentEntity> it seems to resist whatever model you assign to it
<OmnipotentEntity> because there's so many damn exceptions
<OmnipotentEntity> anyway
<OmnipotentEntity> I love the idea of policy
<OmnipotentEntity> and then forcing policy onto the windows
<OmnipotentEntity> because that simplifies this entire problem drastically
<OmnipotentEntity> like
<OmnipotentEntity> key dismissable quest dialogs are not a complete disaster
<OmnipotentEntity> if you can regain the quest dialog somehow
<kyren_> right, eh.. I think I'm going to try this
<kyren_> and see how it looks
<OmnipotentEntity> Roger