Hey folks! I’m afraid I don’t have anything terribly exciting to report today as I’ve continued chipping away at the same task I have been for the past week, which is making more cool stuff to find underground.
I must confess, it’s been a bit tricky working on underground content of this nature. These things can’t be terribly big and it’s not really possible to know what kind of terrain to expect around a given piece without manually painting it yourself, and doing so can cause a couple of distinct problems.
First, it can drastically decrease the ability for any given microdungeon to appear, as it tends to result in increasingly larger pieces. The smaller a microdungeon is, the higher its success rate of it spawning. The other problem is chiefly that manually carving out the surrounding terrain to form the kind of shapes you want can be really time-consuming, and that clashes with the objective of pumping the underground full of as many of these things as possible. As a result, I tend to keep the shaping of terrain around these things fairly minimal.
For now, I’ll be continuing to work as I have until I’m needed on the progression stuff again. Allow me to leave you with a sample of one of the many Avian microdungeons I designed today.
Most microdungeons won’t be as easy to spot as this one. ;)
Until next time guys!