Hey guys!
Over the past few days I’ve continued my work on the lunar base mission with a nice steady rate of progress with some feedback from Tiy and George along the way. As I’ve stated previously, I don’t wish to spoil any plot details, but I’m okay with teasing a small piece of the environment. You may also notice a subtle new feature that crept its way into the game. Blocks are now capable of casting light.
It can be challenging at times; sculpting out a cave environment in such a way that it looks natural while also keeping the player’s ability to traverse it firmly in mind. That said, I think it’s coming along nicely.
On a side note, yesterday’s upload of the nightly build failed, so if you’re interested in trying out Kyren’s new projectile code, the update only went live a couple of hours ago. Personally, I’ve already noticed a huge improvement!
Area-of-effect projectiles like grenades are hitting and damaging multiple enemies far more reliably. The issue of projectiles outright disappearing when shot point blank into an enemy’s face is gone. If you have a bunch of monsters clustered together and you land a melee attack it now damages all of them as it should, rather than just a fraction. The PvE combat is feeling really good right now. Nice work, Kyren!
Anyway, that’s it from me. Stay classy and good night!