25th April – Information Stations

Hey everyone! We hope you’re having a good monday.

We’re fast approaching our polish phase, meaning we’ll be making passes on prettying up numerous parts of the game. Today we’re performing a pass on the interfaces in the game, and below you’ll find a few work in progress mock-ups.

The Navigation Console has been improved to provide more information, such as Quest Location markers and a Geological Analysis, which reveals the type of ores you’re likely to discover!


We’ve pulled the Tech Upgrades out of the S.A.I.L interface, and given them their own UI window.


With Tech Upgrades moved elsewhere, we’ve been able to streamline the S.A.I.L interface considerably:


This is just a small showcase of the work we’ve been carrying out, and there’ll be much more to talk about later on in the week. Let us know what you think in the comments! <3

– Supernorn