Hey, adventurers of the bookish variety! We’ve got a quest for you!
There are countless libraries spanning the cold, infinite void of space and there aren’t enough books to fill them. You can fix this!
Write a story that takes place in the Starbound universe. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a story about your character’s adventures! Write the sort of story a Glitch noble might stay in and read on a rainy day, or that Floran hunters might pass down from generation to generation — but keep it short enough that even a Novakid might remember it (no longer than 500 words, please)!
Five of our favorite stories will be added to a future dungeon in Starbound, and the authors will win some super cool Starbound swag from The Yetee.
* 2 winners will receive a voucher for The Yetee’s Starbundle or Adventer’s Bundle
* 3 runners-up will receive a voucher for a Starbound shirt or poster of their choice from The Yetee!
1. Email your story to [email protected] with the title “Starbound Story Contest” by 14th August 2015.
2. Your story must be 100% your work and no one else’s!
3. Your story must be no longer than 500 words.
4. Your story must be awesome. <3
5. We’re supplying the vouchers, but The Yetee’s shipping policies apply. They ship to most countries — you may want to make sure they ship to yours!
Winners will be announced by 24th August 2015. We’re so looking forward to reading all of your stories!