Hi everyone! This is Lili doing my first blog post.
For anyone not familiar, I am a Chucklefish artist. I do a lot of sketches and illustrations! You might’ve seen me lurking on the fan art section of the forums recently…
The last couple of days me and Mollygos have been scouting for some nice fan art. We love fan art here at Chucklefish – it shows us that people care about what we do and that the creativity that we express in the studio inspires other people.
We want to share some recent favourites with you guys, because they are awesome!
I hope I can continue to do some fan art highlights in the future too! I will keep my eyes open for more art, so keep arting!!!! <3
Untitled by @MagicFunStore
Underwater Eruption by siggymc
Draco doodle by Rheth-Sheth
What Is Fashion by Unable Potato
Glitch by Muffintrain