Hey guys, the names Israel! I've been into independently developed games since 3 years ago, when I played Cave Story, and it's a career I'm going to (try and fail) to pursue when I get out of high school. I'm aware, of course, that most of you didn't work on Terraria, but I feel I should note I loved that game, and honestly a lot of that loved has been transferred to Starbound, whether you like it or not.
Although I haven't been very involved with the community, I've followed production as closely as I can, and hope to log hours upon hours of play time. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you guys will beef up player progression. If this game doesn't turn out how I hope, I will track down ALL OF YOU and recite very angry haikus. Then I might cry.
Hey Israel! We hope you don't fail in pursuing a career as a games developer. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS, MAN. <3
PS- If the game turns out exactly as you hope, will you still write us angry haikus? We like angry haikus. They're our second favorite, after existentially horrific sonnets.
- Starbound Chronicle Team
Hey, a friend recommended I should send some of my drawings to you guys. Also heard some fan art might even get on the next chronicle?
I hope you enjoy them!
Hey EmRa! We liked your fan art very much-ly, so we're linking some here for our readers to enjoy. Thanks for writing in!
- Starbound Chronicle Team