A Very Merry 2015 Round-Up

Hey everyone!

As it’s officially our last day in the office until 2016, this is *officially* our last blog post of the year! 2015 has been awesome, in very large part due to all of you. <3
Thank you for playing Starbound throughout the year, commenting on our blogs, reporting bugs, providing us with valuable feedback and criticism, and being an overall patient and awesome community.

Today we’ve been play testing a bit of Starbound. :) Here’s a screenshot! Click for full size.


Looking back, we’ve had a really busy year. And there’s so much that we’re doing behind the scenes as well that we haven’t even been able to show you guys yet!
So far for us, each year has been more exciting than the last. Here’s hoping 2016 will be our best year yet! For now, it’s time to eat mince pies and drink hot chocolate and watch Christmas films.

Click ‘read more’ to take a look back at what we did in 2015, and post your comments in this thread! Happy Holidays, everyone! <3 <3 <3

In January, we released a massive winter update and 40,000 of you were playing it at once!

In March, we had a booth at EGX Rezzed here in London. We haven’t done many events – something we’d like to change in the coming year – but whenever we do, it’s so fun and encouraging to see how people react to Starbound. :)


In April, we released another stable update which added some long-awaited features, like planet bookmarking and craftable teleporters! We also revealed some character art for some of Starbound’s story NPCs – Esther, Tonauac, Koichi, Nuru and Lana! Who’s your favorite? I think mine is still Koichi.


We were working pretty tirelessly on the colony update, but in July, a few of us took a sec to go to Minecon, where we met loads of fabulous people! We also hosted a super fun writing contest and received hundreds of entries. I had to do a whole lot of reading that week. :P


In August, we announced that Starbound would be coming to Xbox One Game Preview and released a massive colony update!

In September, we implemented procedurally generated colony quests, elevators and secondary weapon abilities, and released some small stable updates!


In October, we went to GameCity in Nottingham! We had a whole huge window with a Hylotl ship on it! We played lots of fun indie games, met lots of lovely devs and had a nice time at the National Video Game Arcade. :)


Finally, in December, we released our long-awaited combat update.
